Rutgers WPF is a renowned center of expertise on sexual and reproductive health and rights. Its activities are mainly carried out in Netherlands, Africa and Asia. Its aim is to improve sexual and reproductive health and rights throughout the world. Rutgers supports partner organizations and professionals in their work to increase their expertise in SRHR and issues surrounding it.
Green Ribbon Campaign - A Rutgers Pakistan Initiative
Green Ribbon Campaign of Rutgers Pakistan focuses on promoting responsible fatherhood through community mobilization and mass media tools. The campaign aims at not just raising awareness in the community, but specifically addresses fathers and fathers to be, to learn and realize their role in raising families.
AAAP Communications produced 5 Public Service Messages for the Green Ribbon Campaign specifically for cities of Haripur and Nowshehra. These messages were aired on FM 101 in January 2017. Public Service messages were also produced for TV and were aired on cable networks in Haripur and Nowshehra. Along with the audio visual PSMs, there were also 5 posters accompanying the messages. to be used during community disalogue and mobilization activities.